Wednesday, May 25, 2011

First Contact (with SS)

Managed to catch up with the SS over the phone yesterday and he has confirmed the site scrape will be going ahead next week. We are very very very excited and will have cameras at the ready to document every step of the way. We are meeting on site beforehand just to go over things. He tells us he thinks that this is the first Nolan to be built in Queensland (not sure how true that is so if you know of anyone who has built a Nolan in the sunshine state we to love to hear about it). While we had him on the phone we asked about the Metricon board and he laughed saying he'd gone to put it up on Monday but it was raining so hard that after sitting in his car for an hour he decided it'd be better to come back later this week rather than risk a soaking. What, you can't bash a sign in with one hand and hold an umbrella in another? No only teasing - as long as rain doesn't delay our build.


  1. Good luck girls :) Its such an exciting time!!

  2. Thanks Tonia. By the way your tiles look fantastic.
