Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Clock is Ticking

From waiting to rushing
It is 2 weeks until our tentative start date and the time seems to be getting away from us. We are waiting for the bank to finalise our construction loan, the valuer came out on Thursday to value the land and our investment property so fingers crossed that all went well. Once the loan is agreed just need to sign the papers and send the information to Metricon.

Also trying to get everything organised with our pool builder. Apparently unlike when we had a pool done before it is up to us to organise temporary fencing and removal of soil. Not sure when the pool excavation will start so its a bit hard to book anything at this date. Tiny bit frustrated that this has ended up being our responsibilty.

And to top it all off the solar hot water at our apartment is stuffed. Its ok if the sun is out as the panels still work but we have had rain rain and more rain with heavy cloud cover so all we have is cold water as the electrical booster is broken. Have beed advised to replace the whole system as the tank is so old it has rusted out and is leaking. Had a guy out to give us a quote but he was so pushy it completely turned me off! Now I have to get someone else out and continue taking a sponge bath/shower with hot water from the kettle. Funny (not)

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